Monday, April 10, 2006

Off to a good start...

Although we have been doing what I would describe as "private beta testing" through the first quarter -- meaning, beta testing on an invitation basis with local users -- as of last Monday (April 3), we are in a more public beta test. In fact, I suppose we could say we have done a "soft launch" of the product.

We have gotten some nice exposure from Apple, to the point where, as of today, we had 337 people try out Kerika on Macs versus just 82 on Windows PCs.

This certainly wasn't the ratio of Mac-Windows users that I had anticipated, but hey -- whose complaining?

Another surprise: the number of non-US users seems to be greater than the number of US users. We have seen particular interest from Europe (mostly Germany, France and the Netherlands, with a little Sweden thrown in the mix). I guess we should start thinking about creating local-language versions pretty darn soon!


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