Friday, December 15, 2006

The land of mist and moss

This has been an interesting winter so far, here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Our weather is normally pretty mild: lots of rain, of course, which I like because it keeps everything nice and green except for the month of August.

The past month or so, however, haven't been all that wonderful: first we had a terrific snow storm a few weeks ago that stranded me about 5 miles away from while I lived, leaving me to trudge home on foot for an hour-and-half through a blizzard at night.

And now, a pretty scary wind storm. I don't know exactly what a "wind storm" is; until yesterday I hadn't even heard the term before, but I have lived through hurricanes and tropical cyclones before, and that's pretty much what it sounded like last night when the wind really picked up.

So, what's all this got to do with you, dear reader? Well, severe weather usually means large-scale power outages, of the kind that our ISP has difficultly coping with, so you might have seen some disruptions in service -- e.g. not being able to go online because our central rendezvous server is down and out. It has also made it somewhat hard for us to get our next version ready as quickly as we would have liked.

Still, we are hard at work on our next version, which will have a bunch of exciting new functions as well as some significant changes (improvements, we hope!) to existing functions. Stay tuned, as I start previewing the goodies over the next few days and weeks...


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