Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bug bounty

We did about 3 months of testing on version 1.1 before announcing it to the public, but there are still a few bugs in there: some of which we know about, and some we haven't come across yet.

I have been offering a "bug bounty" to people who help us find bugs: 2 months of free Kerika service. The bug can be anything, from a design flaw (something turns out to be awkward to use) to a software bug (something doesn't work).

Today, for example, we found out from one of our German users that we have a bug in our registration process: we are not handling extended alphabetic characters, such as umlauts, properly. This isn't something we had found in our testing because we don't have non-English keyboards and it never occurred to us (typical geo-centric Americans!) to test extended characters even though these are very common in European languages.

(And for techie types who want to know how we fixed this problem: we are using UTF-8 encoding to make sure the Java code on the server can correctly read the XML input from the Web site's PHP sign-up code.)


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