"We're in the early days of behavioral targeting but it's an idea whose time has come"
We'll be the first to admit that it's hard swimming against the tide all the time, especially when the tide is of tsunami proportions... We get flack from time to time from self-anointed pundits who think we are nuts to stick with our vision of Kerika as a peer-to-peer based desktop application, when the prevailing vision is all about advertising-supported Web services -- the so-called "Web 2.0" model.
And then a juicy story like this one comes along, from today's Wall Street Journal, which does a great job of explaining just how scary the brave new world of Web 2.0 is going to be like from a privacy perspective!. A couple of quotes:
[Microsoft] has begun combining personal data from the 263 million users of its free Hotmail email service -- the biggest in the world -- with information gained from monitoring their searches.Check out the article and let us know what you think.
"We're in the early days of behavioral targeting but it's an idea whose time has come," says Simon Andrews, chief digital strategy officer for WPP Group's MindShare, a large buyer of ad time. "There is a lot of potential to know if people have been looking at specific sites."
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